Monday, June 17, 2013

Group Run 6/19/13

Hey Everybody, Walter is taking over for this week's run.  He's got a good one planned at the ski area.  Bring some water, meet on the lawn by Slopeside at 5:45 and be ready to run at 6:00.  As an added extra incentive there may or not be some prizes involved.  Hope to see you there.

Some other notes:  Congrats to all the local runners who made the trek up to the Bighorn mountains of Wyoming and threw down some great results.  Way to represent!!

We are losing one of our leaders, Brynna, later this summer.  We can't replace her, but would love to get an intern to help out.  Basically someone who has better writing skills than me and public speaking skills are not required.  Really easy job and a great way to give back.  Email me with questions or if you're interested.

Along the same line.  If you, or you and a friend are interested in leading one of your favorite runs or a variation on one please let me know.  We've already had a few people step up but can always use more.

The trail races for the Running Series start this weekend with the Howelson Hill 8 Miler.  Scan below to find all the details.  Super fun course with a great finish line party and raffle.  

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