Sunday, June 9, 2013

Group Run 6/12/13

Welcome to the first official SteamboatMountainRunners blog post/web site.  This will be your source for the world famous Wednesday night runs and all things running related in and around Steamboat Springs, CO.  We hope you will enjoy and use this site.

A huge thanks and shout out to Alex Pashley for coming up with this idea and teaching me how to use it.  For those of you familiar with my computer hacking skills this was a tall order for him.

Weekly emails will no longer be sent out.  Instead you can either bookmark this site and check it weekly or you can subscribe to it and you'll get updates sent to you as we post them.  I promise to keep all posts running related.  You can also use the comments section as a message board.  This will be a great place where we can share trail status, running info, race info, suggestions for next weeks run, or for carpooling to runs.  I hope you will use this and please keep it running related, no lost dog or garage sale postings.

I am very psyched to get this up and running and hope you are too.  As always, please feel free to critique, criticize, or offer suggestions.  Enough rambling, on to this weeks run:

Fish Creek Falls is gorgeous and everyone should be nicely recovered from the marathon, so this week we're heading up the Sanctuary Trail! There are options to do anything from 4.5 miles to 8, so bring enough water and be ready to go uphill. Meet at the trailhead at 5:45 ready to run by 6.

The trailhead is on Steamboat Boulevard across the bridge from the Water Treatment Plant, about halfway between Fish Creek Falls Rd and Mt Werner Rd.

"At first an ordeal and then an accomplishment, the daily run becomes a staple, like bread, or wine...or air. It is also a free pass to friendship." 

Benjamin Cheever, Author and Runner's World contributor, in his memoir Strides 


  1. Looks Great. See you Wednesday.

  2. Nicely done Mike... Glad this thing seems to be working... hahaha See you tomorrow.

