Monday, July 21, 2014

Group Run 7/23

Great turnout last week, thanks again Mark for setting up the apres run festivities, that was a lot of fun.

This week we'll be headed to the backside of Emerald for a run on the Beall trail.  The trailhead is located on Cow Creek road.  For those interested in carpooling we can meet at the Art Depot parking lot located across the train tracks by the library.

If planning on carpooling lets leave the Depot by 5:45, if not meet at the trailhead and be ready to run at 6:00.  Hope to see you there


  1. Sorry I missed you guys yesterday. My daughter just got off her training wheels so we were getting rowdy on the bike path. Anyone running Mt Werner Saturday?

    1. Hey Donnie,

      Great effort out there.. Good times for sure. There is looking like there is a group of us heading to Aspen this weekend to run the 4 pass loop and perhaps the power of four 50K on Sunday.
