Sunday, May 4, 2014

First Group Run Wed. 5/7

Hey All- well its been awhile.  Hope you all had a great winter and are ready for summer.  The days are getting longer and warmer, but most importantly trails are drying out.

This week we'll be meeting at the Mad Creek Trail head, which is located on Elk River Rd. Meet at the trailhead and be ready to run at 6:00.  If you've never been to one of our runs they are fairly casual affairs.  We run for about an hour and there is almost always someone your pace, fast or not so fast.

This will be our 9th year of SteamboatMountainRunners group runs.  This group was started by a great runner and even better person,  Jenna Gruben.  If you knew her, you know what I'm talking about.  If you never had the chance to meet her, ask someone and find out about her.   Without her some of us would not be the runners we are today and we would definitely not have our world famous Wednesday night runs.  So come on out this week and help celebrate her legacy as we kick off our 9th year of getting down and dirty on the area's trails.  Hope to see you there.